More about the Radium Girls'Weekend . . .
Saturday was my sister's turn to teach us how to paint on canvass with Acrylic paint. As I mentioned in a previous blog my sister was in charge of this one . . . she is an amazing painter and artist and I learnt so much from her . . . which how makes her an outstanding teacher - I feel if I can do anyone can . . . I tried painting about 14 years ago and hated it but this was a totally different experience. I was amongst friends (and not that I wasn't the last time - this was just "different, I loved what I did this time)!!!!
Step 1 - decide on a canvass size . . . she chose a 16" X 20" canvass
Step 2 - choose the subject matter (Corn flowers)
Step 3 - graph out the chosen subject matter on a piece of 16" X 20" paper and photocopy for everyone (she made four)
Step 4 - Paint the canvass with your background colour
Step 5 - before the background colour is dry sprinkle salt on the canvass
Step 6 - once Step 5 is dry wipe the salt away
Step 7 - take the subject matter and place a piece of carbon paper in between that and the canvass
Step 8 - trace the subject matter on the canvass (being very careful not to rub your hand on the paper so that it transfers to the canvass)
Step 9 - look at the black and white version of the subject matter to see "value" (dark and light)
Step 10 - start painting the stems and flowers with the darkest "value" first
Step 11- continue on with the lightest "value" of stems and flowers
Step 12 - move on to the centres of the flowers the same way (we painted all of ours the same colour)
Step 13 - keep adding light and dark as you see fit . . . here are the finished products
TOTAL COST: $15.00/person for the canvasses and brushes (cheap ones) - we all drank our own wine!
TOTAL TIME: 4 hours and some
The experience was priceless - I was totally amazed at how they all turned out - would I do it again . . . maybe! ! ! ! !