I love it when people send me pics and I especially LOVE it when my nieces send pics asking for help. I adore every single one of them and I'm proud that they are all becoming not only beautiful women but smart AND talented.
One of them has moved away to another Province to follow her boyfriend and her career. I miss her terribly but she stays in touch and it keeps us close. She sent a text the other day with this picture saying "For a pillow. What should I get to go with it?"
I suggested that she find a floral . . . "What about a muted floral or painted birds . . . floral is really in for Spring".
Here's what she came up with . . . first try - it couldn't be more perfect.
She's good . . . "now bring in one that has green on it or textured green or green that has a non-competing pattern to the black graphic" . . .
I think you can do better . . .
Great texture but not really the right colour - there's not enough to ground that . . .
What about something with green and cream in it . . . OK now this is perfect!
So even though she was in a fabric store we both love she wasn't getting any help from the staff - they are not decorators or designers and maybe one in 10 of them who works there has a good enough eye or cares enough to help . . . and after just a quick reminder to her to get enough fabric for front AND back AND work in fives!
Here is the final product!
I think it she did a fantastic job and it looks pretty good for a young woman in her first "together" apartment.
Take note that all of the pictures above the couch were taken on their recent trip to Germany - she was going to matt them all in a colour that matched the photo and I advised her to just use white and use colour in the room another way!
Can you say PROUD!