Off to Fabricland I go and 8 yards of tulle (4 yards of off white, two yards of creamy ivory and two yards of blush), just enough black elastic for her waistband and 3/4 of a yard of slip fabric later, it's back home to sew.
What a pain in the butt this was . . . the fabric is SO sheer and the house is SO dry that it just got all full of static and was SO frustrating I had to put it down three times before I actually got it to a point where I could gather the damn tulle . . . but it was really simple sewing.
I cut the waist band four inches smaller than her actual waist measurement, and zig zagged it closed. Then divided into quarters; sewed seams in all 8 layers of the tulle, ran a running stitch through the first four layers of tulle and then the other four layers, and then quartered the tulle. I matched up the quarters, gathered the tulle a couple of inches LARGER than the elastic and stretched and sewed it on to the black elastic waistband with a straight stitch. I sewed four layers on at a time. She did not want it "pouffy" so that many layers was enough. It did, however, need a slip underneath.
Here is the finished product; a VERY cute girl, some kick ass shoes, a jean jacket and a funky (borrowed) bracelet!
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