I know I'm cutting it close again . . . last day . . . but Mother's day was in May and that's what this blog is about. I'd passed (only once at first) the Birks Jewellery store in Edmonton's Manulife Place and just about fainted. They had these beautiful patent leather luggage in their display windows and I had to stop. I immediately went in and asked if they were for sale and was told that they were "display only" and if I was interested I could contact a certain person in their marketing department to see if (and when) they would be available I could possibly purchase one. Well it took no time for me to get back to my desk and send a very personable e-mail saying how much I thought Birks was a mainstay in Edmonton and how privileged I would be if I could have the opportunity to purchase one of the beautiful luggage pieces when the promotion was over. I had a response in a couple of days (which seemed like an eternity) that they were not "real", that they could not be used for anything other than display but when the promotion was over they would let me know. Two months (or so) later I was called that the pieces were going to be made available to me and which one(s) did I want . . . how many I asked . . . as many as you wish because it would be too expensive to ship them back to Montreal . . . I RAN downstairs and I was given four . . . FOUR . . . can you believe it . . . I couldn't wait to get them home and decide what to do with them. As I said, Mother's day was only days away and I thought the Gerbara daisies would make a beautiful arrangement for my her so I purchased 5 hot pink ones and added three more coral ones that I had from another plant I'd purchased because I LOVED the colour of them and wanted to paint my front door that colour (and then changed my mind - about the colour of the door) - the significance of 8 - she had 8 kids! Here is the end result and she LOVED it!

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