Monday, 1 July 2013

Coffee Table Tradsies!

Over a glass of wine with my neighbour one evening, we started talking furniture in her house (since she's newly single and was left with half of the furniture)  and how she wished I would come over and give her some advice - hey I'll do anything under the influence of a glass of wine so over we went (well I won't do anything . . . it's just a figure of speech)! ! !  She's the one who painted her door after he left! ! ! !

We walk in and immediately I know that the placement of the furniture is wrong and the size of the coffee table is too large for the space - and not that I was in the market for a new coffee table because mine was just fine but I suggested maybe we could trade - she could have my square smaller one (and that would bring in a different colour other than chocolate brown which all of her furniture was) and I would take hers under the understanding I would paint it . . . and the deal was done . . . after she made me sleep on the idea . . . and yesterday we did the switch.

Here's what I did with hers (now mine)!

Coffee table has drawers at either end and glass on top

removed the glass and taped off the top/sides
Three coats of paint later (and a couple of touch-ups because  I didn't let it dry completely before I put the glass back on) and VOILA!
TOTAL TIME:  3 hours (paint and dry time in between coats)

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