Sunday 11 August 2013

I've been away . . . sorta!

While one might think I've been ignoring my blog . . . I haven't!  I've been a bit under the weather.  After over six weeks of having some "not so bad" and some very "severe" gall bladder attacks I was taken to the Emergency Room two weekends ago by Ambulance (and released) and last weekend by my very accommodating brother (and admitted).  I underwent gall bladder surgery and have been at home now for a week trying to recuperate.  And that I am . . . but in the meantime I cannot lift, pull or push anything over 10 pounds (sorry Kenzie) for the next six weeks.  Furthermore, when you are medicated, your creative mind is not so great . . . consequently I've done nothing but sleep, drink and eat. 

I'll be back shortly - I have some more ideas brewing but my focus has now resorted to getting well.

CYA soon!

Flowers from my Boss

Flowers from my Brother, his wife, their daughter/husband and the King!

Flowers from my Office

One Rose plucked from the flowers from my brother et al

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