I have to attend three weddings this fall; one is for a former co-worker (the person I view as being my little sister) in September, one for my niece (in October) and one for another very good friend in November. I was mulling around The Bay last week and thought I would try on a few dresses (they had a LOT on sale) and I thought really . . . if I tried on 8 I might like at least one . . . well I did but it was the only one from the "fall fashion line" and was NOT on sale . . . oh dear . . . what to do, what to do . . . well I bought it . . . at full price . . . something I RARELY do but I considered how many times I was going to wear it and in how many different ways . . . and could I wear it to work afterwards . . . and . . . you know that means I talked myself into it but promised I would wear it all three times . . . but I needed some chunky hunky jewellery for it so started asking around if anyone had something I could borrow . . . nothing sounded "promising" and honestly I didn't really even go and look but after my visit to the doc I stopped at my favourite fabric store and they had all of their beads on sale . . . 50% off . . . so I started to create something in my mind and bought this . . .

I had to purchase a couple of other things (chain and the pins that go through the beads) but the rest I had in my arsenal of beads!
And today I made this . . .
I'll wear this with the finely knit teal dress, brushed satin charcoal jacket, black shoes and a copper purse!
Would I make more jewellery? maybe . . . it's been a long time since I was making it out of femo and friendly plastic but I have done some bead work before . . . this was a special occasion, I got exactly what I wanted and I paid a lot more than I would have if I had of borrowwed something but I now have a piece that unique and custom - EXACTLY what I wanted - here's hoping it stays together after the dancing has begun!
TOTAL COST: $38.00
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