Friday, 15 February 2013

Pick a colour already!

After tearing out the old book shelves and installing the new cabinets for the guest room it was quite obvious the back wall required paint.  I wanted to do a feature wall (behind the bed) but what colour?  I DON'T KNOW . . . I say to myself . . . Well, if I was the client what would I ask them . . . What inspires you! AH - yes - when you put it that way maybe now I can make a decision but not before finding that "inspiration" piece . . . incoming bedding . . . not to be revealed in its entirety, however, here's a peek!

I started to think about accents in this room possibly yellow, purple/mauve and turqouise but . . . but wait . . . I've ALWAYS loved a pink and green bedroom and after browsing some of my "likes" on and Pinterest AND looking closer at the bedding I saw that this just might come to fruition but first to pick some paint!

I'm a HUGE fan of Benjamin Moore paint - I've been using it for over 13 years and have yet to put it on any wall and not be completely satisfied . . . I had an awesome BM colour in mind (Split Pea Green) and knowing my sister had recently pained her laundry room that colour I was really hoping there might just be enough to paint my little half wall . . . Yes, she's got some left over but . . . No, I can't have it - the last time she used it she didn't put the lid on tight enough and it's all dried out . . . and trust me, I'm not blaming her for not being able to use her paint I was just trying to be parsimonius!  You just looked up what that word meant didn't you! LOL

Here's the before . . .
Nice hey!
Check out the cracked corner

Looks like there could almost have been a fire from the old pot belly stove at one point! sheesh!

I spent one evening taping off the wall and filling in holes (just a few) and sanded the next evening.
While trying to maintain my parsimonious(ness) (really not a word) I normally would have headed to Benjamin Moore where I get a discount but they aren't open on Sundays (at least in my immediate vicinity) so off to Home Depot I go . . . with one of the Pillow Shams from the new bedding for a perfect match . . . 10 minutes later (yes I can do it that fast - its called focus!) I have a quart of paint (or a litre if you want to use metric terms) . . . the colour you ask . . . Spring Moss 390D-6 . . . and because I'm already out and about I may as well make a trip to Fabricland to purchase fabric for the window coverings and slip cover for the ottoman (in green and pink) YIPPEE - did I get distracted in Fabricland . . . OF COURSE - there is no such word as focus in that store - it's one of my favourite places - its where I get inspired and I'm particularly ecsastic if I can find fabric on sale . . . and I did (but that's for another blog) . . .

Here's the feature wall after . . . I think I may just paint out the support piece under the cabinets now though!

Stay tuned for drapes, slipcovered foot stool, a bedside table and a headboard (which will probably cover up the feature wall . . . sigh) (but that's in the "needing inspiration" process)

TOTAL COST:  $13.87 (Paint)

What inspires you when choosing a paint colour?

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