Monday, 15 June 2015

My bed obsession!

OK so I may have a bedding obsession. 

While I "liked" the orange bedding from last summer, I didn't LOVE it so I switched it out, AGAIN! And it wasn't without a lot of angst.

I had been Googling "watercolour" bedding for more than a month.  I found some "BluebelleGray" at The Bay that I was coveting and when I realized that the cost was a bit high I thought if I watched it long enough it would go on sale . . . it did . . . and I had a $100 gift certificate for WEM (that's West Edmonton Mall for any of you who don't live in Alberta) so I ran over to the west end on a Sunday that I had WAY too many other things to do but . . . my obsession took over!

While there I had to wait quite a while for help as they didn't have the style I wanted on the floor but I was told that if I ordered the one I wanted they would mail it directly to my house.  Hell at 25% off and $100 gift certificate it was going to be under $90 so why not.

After a LOT longer of a wait when they rang it in it came up as regular price.  How could that be . . . it was just on sale yesterday and I checked the sign when I got in to the store just to be sure.  Well, I was told that's only for "that" as she pointed to the pillows . . . I DON'T WANT PILLOWS I was thinking in my head . . . "then I don't want it".  You must know that I never buy anything full price unless it's an emergency or I HAVE TO HAVE IT . . . it wasn't and I didn't!

A week later while babysitting my fantastic nephew Sam, we were so close to Fabricland we just had to pop in . . . we were in St. Albert waiting for my niece Anna to finish up her gymnastics and what a better way to kill time than to shop for me! LOL

I found the perfect watercolour bedding and not only was it the size I wanted, it was 65% off the last ticketed price so for $83.00 I got a duvet cover and two king pillow cases (this was exactly what was in the package for the one at the Bay)!

I get it on my bed and it's "missing something" . . . so I decide to make a simple throw out of three contrasting colours . . . see here!

Then I sew it all together - yes I made all of the piping myself (they never have the colour I want and I want "special").

Here's the new bedding - hopefully it will last more than one year like the last bedding (which I have now added to for putting over the benches in the back yard) but I'll blog that another time.

And yes, the pillow is upside down but I don't care!  I'll deal with that the next time I make the bed!

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