Thursday, 28 March 2013

Lighting (Mood/Ambient)

The balance KILLS me EVERY TIME!  That's when I know it's not "done"  . . . now what do I do with THAT empty corner?  I know . . . how about a couple of hanging t-light holders - only upgraded!

When I was shopping for the green and pink fabric for the drapes in this room I saw an outdoor lantern type t-light holder in the window of my favourite fabric store . . . I wasn't tall enough to reach them . . . and it was "sale weekend" so it was super busy in there . . . BUT they were 65% off the regular price so Can you get one down for me? and they do! "it's good" I say to myself but, it isn't "enough" .  What if I were to add ribbon to it or OMG another scathing brilliant idea . . . add a lamp shade . . . ding ding ding ding!!!!!! 

The thinking cap is on and the creative juices are flowing . . . I ask myself . . . what inspires you with respect to lamp shades . . . oh I LOVE the ones with flowers on them . . . can I make some . . . what do I have . . . organza ribbon . . . Google flowers from organza and voila a tutorial on YouTube . . . but after watching the first one being made I don't really like them . . . three YouTube videos later and I see one that is in three parts (thanks to +Bethany Kartchner).  They are GORGEOUS when completed and I have enough Satin fabric to make two, somewhere in my arsenal of buttons I have a couple of vintage buttons that would be perfect AND I can wrap the Organza ribbon around the top of the lamp shade . . .

Here's how I came up with the final product.

Ribbon on Lamp Shade

Poke holes through the top of the lamp shade with an awl about 3/8" apart

Run ribbon through the first hole (leaving a bit of an end so you can glue down later), loop around and run through the second hole until you get to the end (which is actually where you started). 

Cut the ribbon just enough so it can be glued down to the starter piece.

How to make the Flowers

Attach the vintage buttons

Affix the flowers to the lamp shade with hot glue

How to join the Lantern to the Lamp Shade

Run the chain from the lantern through the hole in the lamp shade

Measure the chain and cut it to the desired length

Screw in a light weight hook underneath the cabinets - I used two - one for the unique Lamp Shade/Lantern and one for a T-light holder (that I moved from my master bedroom that really didn't match in that room any more)

Insert battery operated t-light candles

And . . .  drum roll please . . . here it is . . . this room is really shaping up to be fantastic!

TOTAL COST:  $24.72
Lantern $9.93; T-lights $1.05; Organza Ribbon $2.20; Lamp Shade $11.54
Vintage Buttons: FREE; Beaded Candle Holder: FREE (took it out of another room)


  1. Happy Easter Lynne....this is awesome!!! You are so creative & handy. I am going to reBlog on my Blog...this should not go unnoticed!
