Friday 15 March 2013

Well that didn't last long . . . more paint!

I hate it when I get something done and I think . . . wow . . . that looks fantastic . . . and then I open up a magazine and see something I'd LOVE to have done . . . so that's exactly what I did . . . repainted the wall in the basement bedroom.

I was inspired when I opened the current +Style at Home Magazine and saw how many rooms were painted with striped walls (both horizontal and verticle) . . . Page 70 "tickled PINK, Page 72 "mellow YELLOW", Page 100 "electric eclectic"with the turquoise blue stripes . . . turn over a few more pages (page 112) and "miami spice" . . . and this one was the one that I modelled my room after.

Here's the Before - remember it's only a few two short weeks ago!

Here's the After

I used a random pattern and a laser level to get all the stripes perfect - now I don't feel like I need a headboard in such a hurry.  I truly have ran down the stairs about 20 times today just to admire it!  Here are the simple steps.
Random stripes using laser level - this one is fantastic - it sticks to the wall so you don't need two people

Paint all stripes - I put X's on the places where I wanted it to stay green; before the paint completely dries take the tape off

I did a bit of touch up (well, OK, I did quite a bit of touch up because I'm a really sloppy painter) but I'm really pleased with the results.

TOTAL COST: FREE - I had all the paint, tape and brushes on hand

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