Thursday, 28 March 2013

Bedside Table

A couple of weeks ago I saw a small bedside table in a flyer for XS Cargo . . . saw a table in there for $15.00 that was the perfect size for the downstairs bedroom . . . didn't go to look at it until this past weekend and it had gone back to its regular price of $19.99 (plus GST) . . . at that price I bought it anyways.

Some assembly required . . .

10 minutes later . . . while I love a bargain - but I just hate it when I get it assembled and in place and I don't like the way it looks - this looked cheap!

It's really not that red!

After having a conversation with my daughter about how much I dislike the one I purchased she tells me that she has some tables that might work . . . nesting tables . . . they are burnished silver with glass tops but what the hello - I'll take free . . . and here they are - LOVE them . . . now I can move on to something else!

TOTAL COST:  $19.99 - may gave it away - or brain fart maybe I'll paint it and like it better and put it somewhere else you never know - silver burnished ones FREE (Thanks again Kristen)
TOTAL TIME: 12 MINUTES; to assemble the first one and replace it with the nesting tables! YAHOO!

1 comment:

  1. Love those nesting tables. What a great idea for that space.
