Friday 5 April 2013

More paint - Verticle Stripes this time

As I said in the previous blog I have painted the living room several times.  A year ago I was sitting on the couch wondering what to do next and I literally jump up . . . I know . . . oh oh oh . . . I know . . . I'll paint stripes behind the credenza - and I ran downstairs to see what was there . . . here's what I had to choose from . . .

I save all of my paint so I can mix it up if I have to in order to get the right colour sometimes!

I did this time, however, have to buy one quart/litre - and it wasn't mixed to my liking so I kept adding black (until I got the colour I wanted)  NOTE:  DO NOT mix a flat paint and a semi-gloss paint as they DO NOT mix properly - when you roll the roller one way you get one sheen, when you roll the roller the other way you get another sheen!  You should ALWAYS mix the same TYPES of paint - I learned this the hard way because the black was flat and the blue was semi-gloss - I had to paint over it three times)

A year later and new cushions to boot I feel like I've brought new life into this room . . . And here's what I ended up with - (note I didn't repaint the brown stripe)!

TOTAL COST: $18.00 TOTAL TIME:  3 HOURS (includes re-taping the blue twice - ARGH)

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