Tuesday 30 April 2013

Out with the Old ...

It's a sad day when you realize that after trying to get you through just "one more winter" (and I did that for 7 of them) and over 30 years of life has passed that your belts get looser, your bearings have become worn and your life expectancy has reached its limits . . . but I understand old age . . . how I'd love to have had another 30 years with you but alas it's time to say goodbye . . . I really felt bad for you yesterday as you sat on the street in the cold, snow and wind waiting for the new arrival but the inevitable has happened . . .  so out with the old

and in with the new

complete with new venting . . . and hopefully we're warm for another 10 years at least (until the warranty expires)!

The caveat . . . you've gotta love living in the Alberta winter or you'd be considering an air conditioner (not usually required).

TOTAL COST:  Too much to mention
TOTAL TIME:  1 day (but I got the day off too to "supervise")

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