I started to think that those flowers would be beautiful but really not for the casual summer look I have created for the master bedroom so off on another tangent I go . . . searching the Internet for ideas . . . fabric flowers . . . hey I know I'll make the twisted fabric flowers like the ones I had previously made in a fascinator I wore to the Christmas Party a couple of years ago . . . and again I head off to my favourite fabric store and it's CLOSED . . . damn . . . back home you go, but not before passing a Walmart . . . Oh Oh! ! ! Yes I stopped in because they do carry craft fabric and I needed cotton so I ventured in . . . and I FOUND SOME . . . exactly in the colours I was looking for . . . oh the small things that get me excited . . .
I knew I had some felt at home to adhere the fabric to so started with these supplies:
1. Scissors
2. Felt
3. Fabric
4. Hot Glue and Gun
5. Needle and Thread (option)
You start with a strip of fabric approximately 15" x 3"(for large); 12" x 2" (for small) and fold in half (wrong sides together). NOTE: There is no need finish off any of the edges - this project is rough cut. Cut the felt circles approximately 3 1/2 " for the large flowers and 2 1/2" for the smaller ones.
1. Fold down in at an angle
2. Put a dab of glue in the centre of the circle of the felt
3. Attach the first "knot"
4. Start rolling or folding the fabric either towards or away from yourself - it doesn't matter as long as you are twisting in a circle
5. Hot glue down as you go
6. Clip off the excess felt if you have any
7. Hot glue the end piece (underneath)
8. How glue all "flowers" to another piece of felt (cut in a strip) and cut away the excess after everything is glued down. Attach ties to either end (I glued mine down - you can sew them if you wish)
And Voila
TOTAL COST: $13.00 (not including felt and glue - I already had that)
TOTAL TIME: 3 hours (included burning my thumb several times with the hot glue and yes that's why I'm wearing a bandaid) (if you are not picky it could take 2 hours)