After completing the small organza flowers I moved on to the larger ones . . . these are the instructions for the larger ones - basically the same as the small ones but I folded them a bit differently - I folded them in HALF and then pulled the corners down so the petals were more pointed.
Then sewed straight across the bottom and gathered them (also clipping off the corners on the sewed edges NOT the folded edges)
and after completing the three different flowers I made tie backs with a piece of green polyester satin approximately 30" in length and rounding out the corners so that when it was tied it looked like leaves!
I layered the buttons on the large ones - I set down a pearlized flat antique button first and then cut the backs off of the ones with the rhinestones and glued them down on top of the pearlized ones.
Here is the finished product:

The yellow ones are the four petal ones and the taupe and cream ones are the larger ones.
TOTAL COST: $10.00 (I had the green fabric from another project - the buttons were the most expensive thing)
TOTAL TIME: 1.5 HOURS (for all four large ones)