Saturday, 8 June 2013

Three girls and a chain saw!

Well . . . it's Spring . . . and I live in a very mature neighbourhood which means I have some VERY LARGE trees in my yard.  I've considered purchasing a chain saw so I could prune them (or cut them down) myself but I'm feeling insecure on a ladder so started looking for help.

I asked around in the family and the obvious ones who I thought would have a chain saw didn't so I resortred to canvassing the peopole at work to see if anyone there had one I could borrow (see I SAY I don't feel secure but I will do it myself if I HAVE TO)! 

No one had one I could borrow but one of the gals I work with has a friend who has a chain saw and "she'll" come over and cut them down . . . really? ? ? . . . yes she will . . . OK so we set the date for Friday.

They arrive with a rather small chain saw and a VERY LARGE extension cord - it made me laugh - good thing I wasn't trying to saw through a 100 year old tree!

And off we go . . . we . . . and I mean the proverbial "we" cut down one tree in the side yard that is growing through a fence and then to the back yard to cut the limbs off of one that is taking over the roof of the garage (not good) . . . and they're down . . . but now the real work (for me at least) starts (well not before we have beers and wine and cheese, nuts and dried fruit for a snack)!

Note below there are no pictures of Jackie and I - the proverbial we did not get in the pictures!

Cheryl, the lumberjack!

This is what got cut down on the garage tree!

More Cheryl, the Lumberjack!

You don't evern know what this meant - Saturday the recriprocating saw quit working so it's a good thing Cheryl did this for me!

Old wood pile beside the garage (oh and a "few" wine bottles for the recycle left over from the winter)!

These are the small branches from the thorn tree we cut down on the side yard; decided to burn them so no one else hurt themselves!

New Wood Pile

This is all of the old wood from beside the garage, the new tree branches cut and sectioned off in sizes and the burning of the thorne tree - looks a LOT more organized now.

All cleaned up - notice in the background though I just moved the new branches cut down for working on another day.
And it's cleaned up . . . I'm pooped now!

TOTAL TIME:  1 HOUR to cut down the trees (for Cheryl)
                           4 HOURS for me to clean it up, move the wood pile to the other side of the yard, burn the prickly tree (OUCH - poked my foot with a branch and that HURT)!
TOTAL COST:  $30.00 - Wine and Corona and a cheese tray for payment!

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