Well . . . it's Spring . . . and I live in a very mature neighbourhood which means I have some VERY LARGE trees in my yard. I've considered purchasing a chain saw so I could prune them (or cut them down) myself but I'm feeling insecure on a ladder so started looking for help.
I asked around in the family and the obvious ones who I thought would have a chain saw didn't so I resortred to canvassing the peopole at work to see if anyone there had one I could borrow (see I SAY I don't feel secure but I will do it myself if I HAVE TO)!
No one had one I could borrow but one of the gals I work with has a friend who has a chain saw and "she'll" come over and cut them down . . . really? ? ? . . . yes she will . . . OK so we set the date for Friday.
They arrive with a rather small chain saw and a VERY LARGE extension cord - it made me laugh - good thing I wasn't trying to saw through a 100 year old tree!
And off we go . . . we . . . and I mean the proverbial "we" cut down one tree in the side yard that is growing through a fence and then to the back yard to cut the limbs off of one that is taking over the roof of the garage (not good) . . . and they're down . . . but now the real work (for me at least) starts (well not before we have beers and wine and cheese, nuts and dried fruit for a snack)!
Note below there are no pictures of Jackie and I - the proverbial we did not get in the pictures!
Cheryl, the lumberjack! |
This is what got cut down on the garage tree! |
More Cheryl, the Lumberjack! |
You don't evern know what this meant - Saturday the recriprocating saw quit working so it's a good thing Cheryl did this for me! |
Old wood pile beside the garage (oh and a "few" wine bottles for the recycle left over from the winter)! |
These are the small branches from the thorn tree we cut down on the side yard; decided to burn them so no one else hurt themselves! |
New Wood Pile |
This is all of the old wood from beside the garage, the new tree branches cut and sectioned off in sizes and the burning of the thorne tree - looks a LOT more organized now. |
All cleaned up - notice in the background though I just moved the new branches cut down for working on another day. |
And it's cleaned up . . . I'm pooped now!
TOTAL TIME: 1 HOUR to cut down the trees (for Cheryl)
4 HOURS for me to clean it up, move the wood pile to the other side of the yard, burn the prickly tree (OUCH - poked my foot with a branch and that HURT)!
TOTAL COST: $30.00 - Wine and Corona and a cheese tray for payment!
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