Sunday, 2 June 2013

Ring Bearer Pillow

OK, so it's raining, I should be cutting the grass, but it's raining, and I'm a bit bored, and it's raining! ! ! ! and I've wanted to make this for a while - I've been playing with the ribbon for over a week and decided to weave two colours of brown (the same ribbon I used for the garter) and make a ring bearer's pillow, I also wanted to try and make a circular melted flower so because I was bored, and it was raining . . . LOL

I started by weaving the two browns . . . one over, one under until I got it the size I wanted (making it as square as possible - ribbon can be a bit slippery so I just did my best, then I pinned everything square so it wouldn't move when I attached it to the satin fabric

I stitched the pinned ribbon down over a piece of satin very close to the last row without "catching" every other edge of ribbon . . . that was the "guide for when I sewed the back to the front (right sides together) leaving an opening to stuff the pillow

see how the stitch goes "just outside" of the last piece of ribbon

Remove all pins (if that isn't obvious)
Trim off excess fabric
Then I made the circle flower - I used the same (heat) method as the flowers I made for the basement bedroom except I cut four circles each one smaller than the other.

Found an antique pearl button and sewed it on to the pillow with another piece of ivory ribbon to hold the rings long enough when attached you could still secure them in a knot.

TOTAL COST:  ZERO - had everything
TOTAL TIME:  Approximately an hour

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