When I moved in to my beautiful little home I had an overgrown yard . . . everything was overgrown and not taken care of . . . I was forced to make some drastic changes but I had to do so over time . . . this neighbourhood was built between 1945 and 1950 so what little was in the yard was HUGE to say the least and everything else was either neglected or removed completely so that there was NO maintenance except to cut the grass - I needed more - not more work just more to look at.
Part of my overgrown predicament was the lilac bushes in the front yard - not the tree kind, the bush kind. They "sucker out" and grow like mad stupid . . . I'd had enough . . . I couldn't see out to the street so called my local tree cutter and had him cut them back by one third (that meant leaving one third and cutting off the top two thirds) . . . BIG MISTAKE . . . if someone (being the tree cutter guy) had of told me that it may be a while (or never) before I see another lilac on those bushes I may have never cut them down or I would have made a decision to cut them out completely . . . So because of my ignorance, last year I didn't get one . . . that's right . . . NOT ONE . . . but this year is another story . . . I have twelve peaking out so far!
What used to be a lush forest of purple is now a sea of green but I have the smell of 12 and I reluctantly cut six of them down because I love them in the house.
Note to self . . . DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN! Hopefully next year I'll see more, for the time being, I'm happy with this small bouquet!
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